Navigating End of Year School Budgets

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Navigating End-of-Year School Budgets Investing in Education’s Future As the school year winds down, educational institutions throughout the United States find themselves tackling the important task of handling their end-of-year budgets. These budgets carry significant weight as they shape the … Read More

Promoting Online Safety

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Promoting Online Safety and Digital Citizenship in Schools Empowering Students for a Digital Future In today’s increasingly digital world, it is crucial for schools to prioritize online safety and digital citizenship education. As technology becomes more integrated into our lives, … Read More

Building Safe Spaces

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Building Safe Spaces Preventing and Addressing Bullying in Schools Bullying can have a profound impact on students’ wellbeing, academic performance, and overall school climate. As educators and members of the community, it is our responsibility to create safe spaces where … Read More

Mental Health Awareness Month

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Mental Health Awareness Month Since 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in May in the United States. Originally started by the Mental Health America organization, Mental Health Awareness Month is a national movement designed to help increase awareness … Read More

Social Media Algorithms

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Social Media Algorithms and Their Effects We all know about and use some form of social media platform, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok or Twitter just to name a few. In fact, it’s rare to come across someone … Read More

Safeguarding – did you know

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Safeguarding – All you need to know Senso offer many bundles within our cloud-based platform for device monitoring and management. Our All-In-One software for Classroom, Student safety, Web Filtering, Network and Asset Management is perfect for managing and monitoring any … Read More

Substitute Teacher

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Substitute Teacher How Senso are solving challenges for districts across the US. With America facing a teacher crisis, we are continuously hearing many stories of districts having to vastly increase substitute teachers to ensure that classes continue. Parents, school bus … Read More

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