Tackling online bullying with Senso.cloud

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Tackling online bullying with Senso.cloud One of the biggest problems facing schools is bullying. Countless children can suffer as a result of being picked on by their classmates, and it establishes a toxic and intimidating school experience, which can lead … Read More

Is your company CIPA compliant?

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Is your company CIPA compliant? Safeguarding is a legal requirement of every educational establishment in the country. It keeps students protected from accessing or being exposed to harmful online content, which can leave lasting psychological impressions on children of young … Read More

Get back to teaching and let Senso monitor students online

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Get back to teaching and let Senso monitor students online There’s so much to think about, organize and coordinate when it comes to teaching and classroom management. Lesson plans, marking, keeping pupils engaged, maintaining good behavior, and so on and … Read More

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