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Asset Utilization: Computer Performance Monitoring Tools

In the dynamic environment of school tech teams, efficient asset utilization is crucial. Maintaining performance and security across your school fleet can be a tricky task. Senso’s Asset Utilization software is there to help you and your tech team effectively manage your IT network with ease.

The Asset Cloud software bundle from Senso includes a range of admin tools as well as security reports and system performance monitoring tools to optimize and streamline your IT operations. This blog explores the key elements that any effective asset utilization software should provide to get the most out of your school tech management systems.

Alert Systems

Real-time alert systems and security reports are vital to provide robust digital security services. Alongside Senso’s Assisted Monitoring safeguarding software, IT monitoring from a unified admin console notifies tech teams of potential security breaches, CPU usage issues, and manual IT assistance requests.

With comprehensive information from these alert systems and device activity and security reports, school tech teams can act promptly to prevent minor problems from becoming major disruptions. By monitoring the network's key metrics for anomalies or significant events, tech teams are immediately aware of key issues. These key metrics include:

• CPU usage
• Memory utilization
• Disk space
• Network performance
• Unauthorized access attempts
• Security alerts
• Pre-defined event triggers customized for each school

The alerts are analyzed as they occur and listed alongside other events to reflect pre-defined prioritization management. This allows for proactive monitoring and management of the most important issues first.

Report Utilization

In addition to robust alert systems, detailed reporting provides even more insight into school IT estates, helping IT teams to make informed decisions about their IT resources. With ‘At a Glance’ and ‘Deep Dive’ reporting features, you can get a full view of the health and safety of your IT network easily.

Within the Asset Cloud dashboard, you can access in-depth data on security, performance, and user activity. These comprehensive reports use easy-to-understand graphics that IT teams can leverage to identify trends and patterns relevant to effective estate management.

Regular reporting across 24-hour blocks displays reported alerts, which systems or devices are over- or under-utilized, and trends in cybersecurity risks. With this software, schools can monitor device usage, which applications are most popular, and where inefficiencies lie. Ultimately this facilitates a proactive approach, identifying vulnerabilities that need to be solved. Tech teams can organize to focus on devices and systems where they are most needed.

In schools, where budgets are often tight, ensuring that every device is used efficiently can lead to significant cost savings. It also means that students and teachers have access to reliable and fast technology, enhancing the learning experience. This strategic approach to asset utilization maximizes the value derived from the school’s IT investments.

Streamlining IT Teams

Efficiency is of crucial importance to a well-functioning tech team. Therefore, success often depends on performance monitoring software to assist in the streamlining process.

The centralized view of school tech estates from an admin console creates a great tool for the admin and tech staff. Senso designs our asset utilization software for effective security and network performance reporting with a robust alert system for full management and monitoring. Remote access solutions of this kind allow for effective, real-time troubleshooting to proactively manage devices from a single location.

From the centralized console, a variety of time-consuming tasks can be automated. Group policy software allows for updates, diagnostics, software installations, and even powering on and off to be coordinated in advance, avoiding disruption. This minimizes the risk of human error, saves your IT team’s time for more important or urgent concerns, and ensures that the school’s IT infrastructure remains up-to-date and secure.

Troubleshooting and detailed diagnostics can be conducted remotely from the admin console to resolve issues faster and more efficiently. When an alert is detected, IT teams can take control of devices to remotely troubleshoot any networked device. With automated scripts or manual real-time investigation, remote managed services can install the required software, close harmful programs, and utilize task manager as needed. Enhanced troubleshooting capabilities with Remote Asset Utilization mean that IT teams can resolve issues faster and more efficiently.

Optimise Network Performance Monitoring Tools with Admin Console from Senso’s Asset Cloud

By embracing these tools, school IT teams can ensure that their technology infrastructure runs smoothly and efficiently. If your tech team is not using these top admin tools, the asset management, and troubleshooting processes may be slow and difficult.

Discover how your school can benefit from Asset Utilization software from Senso by claiming your Free Demo. You can also contact our pre-sales team to discuss your options at 866-664-1520.